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The construction company on Sao Miguel with which we work together, works quickly, effectively and works on a high standard.

We are personally on the construction site three times a week and check the works which has be done. We also take pictures three times a week and send this pictures to you, so you will be always up to date.

The objects listet below, look forward in getting visited by you on Sao Miguel, so you can take a picture on the spot by yourself.

New building in the region of Nordeste

The following house is our first new building. From the planning to project support and construction management, we take care of all the necessary steps for you. Our architects, structural engineers and engineers work quickly and reliably and we have good contacts to all necessary authorities. Only 10 months passed from the start of construction to the handover of the keys.

Renovation of a Holiday Home in the area of Nordeste

This house has been given a makeover inside and outside. Inside, all floor surfaces were re-tiled, the handrailes replaced, three windows enlarged to floor-to-ceiling, the ceiling, door frames and doors sanded and repainted. In addition, the kitchen and bathroom have been completely redesigned and all windows have been replaced by new, gray windows with doubleglas. All areas outside were also tiled and the handrail made out of beton was replaced by a filigree V4A stainless steel railing.

Rebuildung of a two-storey house from October 2019 until September 2020

The 150 year old house was gutted, the ceilings rebuilt and the bathroom ceiling concreted. The ceilings and the roof have been insulated with mineral wool. The entire electrical system, water and sewage have been renewed, five windows were enlarged floor-to-ceiling.

CasaBelaVista House III

The CasaBelaVista III is located above the CasaBelaVista I and II also on the outskirts of Pedreira. The house is approx. 150 years old and has been partial renovated in the 90s. The house was then unfinished again until it was acquired in 2019. The house will now be completely renovated from October 2019 to August 2020 and then rented to tourists as a holiday home (AL).

Because of Corona, stop of the rebuildung until March 2021.

CasaBelaVista House I

The house was built in 2006 and completed to about 85%. We bought the house in December 2014. We than startet with the renovation until April 2015. Guests could book the holiday home from May 2015. Utilization in 2015: 68%.

A new bathroom within 6 days

Below you can see each time 3 pictures, how the bathroom looked like before we startet, during the construction and after finishing.

CasaBelaVista House II

Due to the good utilization of Casa Bela Vista House I, we have in August 2015 bought four pieces of land arround House I incl. a ruin. This 100 year old ruin is now getting rebuilded from September 2015 to September 2016, with a new roof fitted and completely redeveloped.

Unlike House I, in which many of the original features still consist and are clearly to see, House II is also from outside in its architecture very modern.

Towards the sea, large, floor-to-ceiling -reaching windows will be built in, the floor is tiled in an imitation of wood and the solid wood kitchen gets a black marble countertop. The best thing will be the very huge bathroom including a jakuzzi from which you can overview the entire east coast the island of Sao Miguel.

After a one-year renovation, the CasaBelaVista II was finished at the end of September 2016.

However, as we make changes and improvements on each of our stays at Sao Miguel, you can always check the latest pictures at: www.casabelavista.eu

Casa Boa Vida

In the following object, a German family fell in love spontaneously also it was still a ruin. We have found out who the owner is and have taken over the purchase for the family. Then the house was refurbished. Also in this house, the Casa Boa Vida, we have tried to preserve original elements such as the old, open stove and the natural stone arch in the kitchen.